Musical Table A: A Musical Tea Time
Participants are invited to this experiential poetry and listen to the music of their individual actions.
Simple Instructions:
1) Take a seat
2) Hold the star (to ground)
3) Pick up the spoon from the bucket of rainwater
4) Fill the brass cup with the spoon
5) Pour the water from the brass cup into the seedling pot
5) Pour from the teapot back to the bucket,
(beware of the lid, hold the top)
Poetic Instructions:
1) The participant is invited to take a seat
2) The participant must hold the grounding star to begin their cycle through the echo system.
3) The participant initiates the cycle by filling their own vessel from a bucket of water with a silver spoon. Music should be elicited from this pouring action.
4) The participant may in turn water a seedling with their filled vessel, and listen to the connectivity between the seedling and their vessel. Music should be elicited from this pouring action.
5) The participant is invited to pour any overflow from the seedling teapot back into the pot of water from which they initially filled their vessel. Music should be elicited from this pouring action.
Sponsor A Musical Tea Time:
Sponsor a silver spoon:
suggested donation of $20 each
Sponsor a seedling: I’m seeking community partners who would like the musical tea garden to overflow to their garden.
To Be Announced
50% of all sponsorship contributions will go to Artport Kingston to support the future of this program and ongoing exhibition.
25% of sponsorships will go to reimbursement of artist costs for this exhibition and 25% will go to a collected community fund for future programming.